a strange new world

the green of the forest has come to an end,

the land we once knew is no longer recognizable,

each and every tree has been overtaken by strange new colors,

the forest floor is now carpeted with what was once high above,

 the new warm-colored surroundings belie the icy air,

 the nights grow darker and the days turn briefer,

But once the nights of the season arrive,

 the bright rich fall colors fade away,

  leaving the land bare and colorless,

  Leaving the forest’s twisted  skeleton,

 Deep behind the misty grey sky,

The round moon hung like a watchful eye,

Long after the frosty night,

The morning light  pierces through the cracks of the woods,  

And thaws the frozen air,

The crystal frozen lakes and ponds warn of the sun,

Who will not be coming back again,

the green warm days have fled the wild land,

and now the strange icy fire colors are vanishing into brown,

Young eyes lost in wonder,

what is next for this world?

                                                                                            — Drasanna Edelman 10/11

One Response to “a strange new world”

  1. looks like its time for another poem now that both fall and winter are just about ended! im thinking about writting a diffrent time of poem! wish me luck!! 😉

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