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supergiants suns

Supergiants are short lived larg suns. They can have masses from 10 to 70 solar masses, with a brightness from 30,000 up to hundreds of thousands times the solar luminosity. Supergiants are greatly radii from 30 to 500 or 1000 solar radii. As said befor, they have short life. These larg suns live 10 to 50 million years. Unlike our sun wich will live a nother 7.8 Billion more years. The artical i found this info from was called supergiants. I enjoyed reading the facts about the strange but amazing large suns, though the artical was quite small.

My little vacation at the fair

More people than I’ve ever seen in before.  More smells in the air than I could pick up at once. The strange place was unlike any I’ve been exposed to. Great tall men with pail faces, stained with bright red happy smiles. Their hair curly and colorful. ‘What strange men!’ I wondered if daddy would ever make himself look like that- or if mommy would ever let him.  I walked closely beside my mother and dad as we strolled through the crowds.

  My neck had gotten soar from looking up at the strangers so much, And at the giant toys the big kids road on. My mother jerked me back every time I tried to lead the way. ‘But it’s my turn to be the leader!’ I tried to get her to understand but she unfairly ignored me. Eventually after a long and tiring walk around the new place, mother stopped. I wondered if she were as tired as I, but then two gentle hands picked me up from behind and set me in my stroller. I wanted to argue, but I was just too tired and went willingly. Mother walked away, leaving me with dad.

 I looked curiously at my daddy, seeing if he would leave me as well. He stayed, but just when I thought he would want to play, he smiled happily, but not at me. Came from behind me appeared another largely buff man. They shook hands and began talking. Board, I looked away.  I gazed sadly at the balloons and toys, and wastefully at the other kids playing with them. ‘I want to play too!’ but I was stuck in the old baby stroller, I wanted out. I knew a tool to get daddy’s attention, a very useful one.   

While daddy was in the middle of a conversation with his friend, a loud demanding wine came from my mouth. I made sure he heard me well.  Hope that he would let me out shined through my eyes as he reached his large hand tords me, but instantly faded away when I saw he only softly patted me on the head. ‘That’s not what I want!’  I wined agen but in complaint, finely he did as I wanted. Daddy kneeled down to me and took me out of my stroller. Setting me down on the ground, he went back to his chat with the other man.

At last I could walk were I pleased. I knew daddy wouldn’t be happy if I walked too far way from him, but he was busy and wouldn’t see I was gone. I would be back before he knew it. Cheerfully looking around, I spotted something that would please me greatly- the largest swirly colorful lollypop I’ve ever seen, but it was in the hands of someone else. I looked closely at the candy theft. I saw it was a little boy only half my age, and was in a small wagon pulled by what looked like is momma and daddy.

I ran over the wagon, half dogging being stepped on by large feet.  Reaching the little boy, I carefully hopped in the small wagon, being sure no one saw me. The child with the lollypop looked surprised at me. I guessed he wondered where I came from. I couldn’t help seeing what narrow eyes he had. Even though they were as wide open as they got. ‘What kind of human are you?’ I could also see he was much rounder than I, but no taller.

After getting comfortable in the small wagon, I reached over to the boy and snatched the candy from his hand. Satisfied, I shoved the giant lollypop into my mouth. ‘This is the life!’ Then suddenly the little boy screeched in anger and cried. My eyes swung up and met with two adults staring expressions unreadable. Scared and shy I quickly jumped off the wagon and dogged. At first I thought I heard them chasing after but soon lost me.  ‘Losers!’

Expecting to see daddy, I turned around happily with my new treat but recognized nothing. Daddy and the stroller where nowhere to be seen.  Almost afraid by being lost I spun around my surroundings, hoping to find mommy or daddy, but found neither of them. I felt an argue to cry out, but quickly stopped myself.  Crying was for babies! ‘I’m no baby! I’m a big kid!’ then the sound of children screaming and laughing caught my ear.

Distracted, I looked up to see the largest, fastest toy I’ve ever seen. Many big kids were sat in a giant steal snake that slithered as fast as a car on a track that went high above the ground and upside down. Many kids my age feared and stepped closer to their mothers, but I watched the giant toy with amusement. ‘I want on!’ I looked around to see how to get to the big toy. Then I realized a long line of grownups and big kids walking into an opening to the snake. Excited, I raced into the line without anyone seeing me. Eventually onto the snake. I took my seat on the head of the steal snake feeling big and proud. 

The small wheels on the bottom of the snake began to spin, moving the snake forward. Already having fun, I laughed joyfully. The toy began to go slowly up hill, and soon nearly strait up in the air. Still having fun, but slightly afraid I turned my head to the ground. What once appeared to me as huge grownups now looked like tiny ants. I began to grow concerned. I semi wished the snake would stop and go back, but It continued to climb its way up the track. I could see the whole fair below me, iv never in my two years of life been that high from the ground before.

Then just as I got to the very top of the track, it seemed the ride had slowed down and nearly  stopped. Several heart beats later, the snake shot down at lightning blot speed. Gravity crushed me agenced the back of my seat, I swore the snake’s wheels had lost its grip from the tracks and sent the ride on its way to crashing to the earth below.

Suddenly, with out warning, the steal snake caught back its grip on the tracks just before smacking the outside grassy floor. The ride went swiftly back up and turned and spun.  Sending my light brown hair flying all over the place. The wind nearly sealed my eyes closed, and stole my lollypop! I wondered if the ride would ever end. 

Stumbling off the snake dizzy, I flopped to the ground feeling an upset stomach. I could almost see the earth shifting around me. After a moment lying on the fair’s grass, I jumped up ready to go on agen. Excitedly I spun around to get back on the ride, but then 2 hands picked me up unexpectedly. Frightened, I spun my head back at who picked me up to see an older lady’s friendly face.

“What on earth are you doing by yourself?” she asked concerned. “Where are your parents?” I wished I could tell her, but I had no clue. I began to remember the fear I felt before.

Then suddenly, for a moment I thought I heard my mother’s voice. I wondered if it was just me thinking it, but the lady looked around as if she heard the voice as well. Gazing through the crowds of strangers, I instantly found a familiar face.  ‘Mother!’ mother was half running tords me and the lady.

“Drasanna! Thank goodness you’re safe!” she said nearly crying of happiness as she reached me. “I’ve been looking all over for you!” kindly, the lady handed me to my mother with a friendly smile. Once mommy got a hold of me, she squeezed me tight in her arms. I never knew how much afraid shed be if I ran off for long.

Mother carried me through the crowds a short ways and met up with daddy and the stroller. Though he showed little emotion and tried to hide the fear of me gone, I could see daddy’s eyes light up with excitement as he saw mother with me in her arms. I wondered why they missed me so much. ‘I’m a big kid now, cant I have a vacation at the fair of my own?’

It’s been nearly 14 years since my little adventure at the fair. I’m now taller than 2 feet, I speak now, and I now know not to run off without saying anything to my old man and mom. –but have I changed? Not a chance!

Check out my new page!

The new page is called Writing and StuffIt’s about story ideas, poems, short stories, and books im reading.

the intelligence of birds

The level of intelligence in birds has not been thoroughly researched, but there is a general belief birds are more intelligent than reptiles and it is believed they are as smart as mammals of comparable size. Scientists are still trying to find ways to test birds but  it is difficult to test birds intelligence from their lack of  forelimbs. Parrots have been able to mimic human speech, but the African Grey Parrot has shown the ability to know what words mean. The African Grey Parrot even seems to be as smart as a first grader. parrots, crows, and jays are the most intelligent of birds.

my halloween dance costume


Ever seen ‘Cats’ the musical? I will be making  my costume two look very similar to the outfits they wear. It is a light brown suit with chocolate brown stripes and 2 black stripes separating the white chest and tummy. There will be white  fur wrapped around  the forearms and lower legs, with a white tail wrapped around the waist. It will have a  dark brown wig with white tips, white gloves with dark brown tips, and white boots with dark brown tips. It will have white ears and a spike collar. Stay tuned for photos.

My Halloween Cat Costume

What will you be wearing for Halloween?

a strange new world

the green of the forest has come to an end,

the land we once knew is no longer recognizable,

each and every tree has been overtaken by strange new colors,

the forest floor is now carpeted with what was once high above,

 the new warm-colored surroundings belie the icy air,

 the nights grow darker and the days turn briefer,

But once the nights of the season arrive,

 the bright rich fall colors fade away,

  leaving the land bare and colorless,

  Leaving the forest’s twisted  skeleton,

 Deep behind the misty grey sky,

The round moon hung like a watchful eye,

Long after the frosty night,

The morning light  pierces through the cracks of the woods,  

And thaws the frozen air,

The crystal frozen lakes and ponds warn of the sun,

Who will not be coming back again,

the green warm days have fled the wild land,

and now the strange icy fire colors are vanishing into brown,

Young eyes lost in wonder,

what is next for this world?

                                                                                            — Drasanna Edelman 10/11


today’s almost over

Hello world!
